MSBTE Object Oriented Programming using C++ Video Lectures in FREE | MSBTE Diploma 22316 OOPs

Overview of Object Oriented Programming:

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Remember the last time you played with LEGO blocks? Each block, regardless of its size or color, has the unique ability to connect with another. In the world of programming, Object Oriented Programming (OOP) operates similarly. It provides a structured way of creating programs by bundling properties and behaviors into individual objects.


Introduction to Object Oriented Programming
OOP is a paradigm or pattern in software design where programs are organized around objects rather than functions and data. Think of it as a shift from viewing the world based on actions to viewing it based on entities and things. It represents a real-world concept using objects and classes, making it easier to tackle complex problems.


History and Evolution
OOP didn't pop up overnight. Its roots trace back to the 1960s with the development of the Simula language. However, it was in the 1980s, with the advent of languages like C++ and Smalltalk, that OOP began to gain momentum. Today, it’s the backbone of numerous modern languages like Java, Python, and Ruby.



Fundamental Concepts

  • Objects
  • Classes
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism
  • Encapsulation

Ever wondered what makes OOP so special? Let’s dive into its core principles.

What are Objects?
Remember those LEGO blocks? In OOP, objects are like those blocks. They carry data in attributes and have associated procedures known as methods. Picture an object as a self-contained unit that holds both data and the ways to manipulate it.


Classes Explained

If objects are the blocks, then classes are the blueprints. A class defines the shape and nature of an object. It’s a template that describes the behaviors and states an object can have.

Inheritance in OOP

Ever heard the phrase, “like father, like son”? In OOP, inheritance allows a class (the child) to inherit attributes and methods from another class (the parent). This promotes code reusability and establishes a relationship between the parent and child classes.


Polymorphism: The Art of Taking Multiple Forms

Imagine if our LEGO block could turn into a toy car or a castle, depending on our need. Polymorphism in OOP allows objects of different classes to be treated as objects of a common superclass. It simplifies and enhances the ability to extend systems.


Encapsulation: Securing the Code

Just as you wouldn’t expose your personal diary to everyone, encapsulation protects sensitive data by wrapping the data (attributes) and the methods (functions) into a single unit, an object.


Benefits of OOP

  • ·        Enhanced Code Reusability
  • ·        Easy Maintenance and Scalability
  • ·        Improved Security
  • ·        Challenges and Criticisms
  • ·        Understanding the Paradigm
  • ·        Performance Overheads

Beyond the tech jargon, why should anyone bother with OOP?
Enhanced Code Reusability
Just like using the same LEGO block in different structures, OOP allows for reusing code, saving time and effort.

Easy Maintenance and Scalability

Changes are inevitable in software development. OOP structures make it simpler to manage and scale projects without much hassle.


Improved Security

With encapsulation, data is shielded from unnecessary and potentially harmful external interference.


Challenges and Criticisms

However, like all good things, OOP isn’t without its challenges.


Understanding the Paradigm

Grasping the whole OOP concept can be challenging for beginners. It requires a shift in perspective.


Performance Overheads

OOP can sometimes introduce extra layers of abstraction, which might affect performance.


OOP in Today’s World

Despite challenges, OOP continues to stand tall in the programming world.


How Modern Software Utilizes OOP

From mobile apps to game development, OOP principles are at the heart of many contemporary software developments.


Future of OOP

The adaptability and robust nature of OOP hint at a promising future, constantly evolving to meet the ever-changing software landscape.



OOP isn’t just a programming model; it’s a lens through which we can understand and tackle complex software challenges efficiently. Its principles, though might appear intricate initially, provide a sturdy foundation for scalable, reusable, and interactive software development.



  1. What are the four pillars of OOP?
    • They are Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, and Abstraction.
  2. Is OOP suitable for all software projects?
    • While OOP offers numerous benefits, its suitability depends on the project’s requirements and the problem it seeks to solve.
  3. Which popular programming languages support OOP?
    • Java, Python, Ruby, and C++ are some of the popular OOP languages.
  4. How does OOP enhance code security?
    • Through encapsulation, OOP restricts direct access to some of an object's components, safeguarding against unintended interference.
  5. Can OOP and procedural programming be mixed in a project?
    • Yes, many modern programming languages support multiple paradigms, allowing developers to utilize the best of both worlds.

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