22317 Data Structures Using 'C' Notes PDF | MSBTE CO IT All Units Notes PDF

22317 Data Structures Using 'C' Notes PDF | MSBTE CO IT All Units Notes PDF

               MSBTE 22317 Data Structures Using 'C' Notes | MSBTE Diploma Engineering All Units Notes are comprehensive study resources provided by (www.diplomasolution.com)MSBTE 22317 Data Structures Using 'C' notes are specialized study materials crafted by the (www.diplomasolution.com). This Notes is Created by Diploma Solution Team (www.diplomasolution.com). 

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Data Structures Using C:

1. Introduction to Data Structures:

  • Basic Concepts: Data, Data item, Element, Entity, and Attribute.
  • Importance and Need for Data Structures.
  • Abstract Data Type (ADT).


2. Algorithm Analysis:

  • Time Complexity (Big O, Big Ω, Big Θ notations).
  • Space Complexity.


3. Arrays:

  • Single and Multidimensional Arrays.
  • Representation in Memory.
  • Applications and Operations (Insertion, Deletion, Search).


4. Stacks:

  • Introduction and Concepts.
  • Array Representation of Stack.
  • Operations: PUSH, POP, PEEK.
  • Applications: Infix to Postfix, Evaluation of Postfix, etc.


5. Queues:

  • Basic Concepts.
  • Types: Linear Queue, Circular Queue, Priority Queue.
  • Array Representation.
  • Enqueue, Dequeue operations.


6. Linked List:

  • Introduction.
  • Types: Singly Linked List, Doubly Linked List, Circular Linked List.
  • Basic Operations: Insertion, Deletion, Traversal.


7. Trees:

  • Introduction to Trees, Binary Trees.
  • Binary Search Trees (BST).
  • Tree Traversals: In-order, Pre-order, Post-order.
  • Balanced Trees: AVL Trees.
  • Heaps.


8. Graphs:

  • Introduction to Graphs.
  • Types: Directed, Undirected, Weighted.
  • Representation: Adjacency Matrix, Adjacency List.
  • Graph Traversals: BFS (Breadth First Search), DFS (Depth First Search).


9. Searching and Sorting Techniques:

  • Linear Search, Binary Search.
  • Sorting Algorithms: Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, Quick Sort, Merge Sort, etc.


10. Recursion:

  • Basic Concepts.
  • Direct and Indirect Recursion.
  • Problems like Tower of Hanoi.


11. Hashing:

  • Introduction to Hashing.
  • Collision Resolution Techniques.


12. File Structures:

  • Sequential Files.
  • Indexing and Hashed Files.
  • Primary and Secondary Indices.


13. Advanced Topics (if covered):

  • Graph Algorithms: Dijkstra’s algorithm, Kruskal’s algorithm, etc.
  • Dynamic Programming and Greedy Techniques.
  • String matching algorithms.


14. Practical Projects:

  • Building simple projects using data structures, such as a contact management system, a student record system, etc.

    This overview provides a comprehensive guide on the topics that might be covered in a "Data Structures Using C" course.

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