7. Write a program to find the greatest of the three number using conditional operators in C program | 22226 Programming in 'C'

7. Write a program to find the greatest of the three number using conditional operators in C program | 22226 Programming in 'C' | All Practical Program with Source Code

# include <stdio.h>

void main()


int a, b, c, big ;

printf("Enter three numbers : ") ;

scanf("%d %d %d", &a, &b, &c) ;

big = a > b ? (a > c ? a : c) : (b > c ? b : c) ;

printf("\nThe biggest number is : %d", big) ;


Practical Lists with Source Code :

  1. Develop minimum 2 program using constants variables, arithmetic expression.
  2. Develop minimum 2 programs increment/decrement operators, exhibiting data type conversion.
  3. Write a simple program to convert temperature in a Fahrenheit degrees to Centigrade degrees in c programming.
  4. Write a simple program to calculate the area and the parameter of a rectangle and the area of circumference of the circle
  5. Write a program to determine whether a given year is a leap year in c programming
  6. Write a program to determine whether a string is palindrome in c programming
  7. Write a program to find the greatest of the three number using conditional operators in C program
  8. Write a program to find if a given character is vowel in C program
  9. Using switch statement write a program to print a day of the week by taking a number from 1 to 7 in C programming
  10. Using a switch statement write a program to print the students grade by accepting a percent marks in C programming 
  11. Using switch statement write programs to check whether the triangle is isosceles, equilateral, scalene or right angled triangle.
  12. Looping write a program to find the sum of a digit of a given number in C program
  13. Looping write a program to generate multiplication table up to 10 for numbers 1 to 5 in C program
  14. Write a program to find the Fibonacci series in the given number in C programming
  15. Write a program to produce the following input1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  16. Array develop a program to sort the list of the number 10 in c programming
  17. Array write a program to perform the addition of 3 x3 matrix in C programming
  18. Structure developer program to create a structure called library to hold details of a book viz, the book, and flag indicating whether book is issued or not fetch some sample data and display the same in c programming C programming.
  19. Structure develop a program to execute C program to add two distance given in a kilometer using a structure in a C program.
  20. Library function develop program to demonstrate use of all string handling function in c programing.
  21. Library use of few mathematical function in C programming. 
  22. Library functions develop program to demonstrate use of few other Miscellaneous C programs 
  23. User defined function develop a program to create a function to find the GCD of a given number call this function in c program.

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