11. Develop a webpage for placing the window on the screen and working with child window
Function createWindows()
Var mywin = window.open("","win"+I,"width=100,height=100")
<input type="button"value="Create Windows"onclick="createWindows()"/>
Function createWindows()
Var mywin = window.open("","win"+I,"width=100,height=100")
<input type="button"value="Create Windows"onclick="createWindows()"/>
Practical Lists with Source Code :
- Writesimple JavaScript with HTML for arithmetic expression evaluation and messageprinting.
- Develop JavaScript to use decision making and looping statements.
- Develop JavaScript to implement Array functionalities.
- DevelopJavaScript to implement functions.
- DevelopJavaScript to implement strings.
- Createa webpage using form elements.
- Createa webpage to implement form event Part-I.
- Createa webpage to implement form event Part-II.
- Developa webpage using Intrinsic Java Function.
- Developa webpage for creating session and persistent cookies observe the effects withBrowser cookie settings.
- Developa webpage for placing the window on the screen and working with child window.
- Developa webpage for validation of form fields using regular expressions.
- Create a webpage with Rollovers Effect.
- Developa webpage for implementing menus.
- Developa webpage for implementing Status bars and Web Page Protection.
- Developa webpage for implementing Slideshow, Banner.