22516 Operating Systems Important Questions for MSBTE Exam | CO IT 5 Semester

22516 Operating Systems Important Questions for MSBTE Exam | CO IT 5 Semester

                 Important Practice Question Available for Exam. This Questions are based on Repeated Topics and Frequently Ones with the Help of this you can Score Good Marks in Exam and you will Pass in Exam.
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1. Attempt any FIVE of the following: 10
a) Define real time operating system. List any four applications of it.
b) Explain any four services provided by OS. **
c) Draw process state diagram. **

d) Explain any four scheduling criteria.
e) Define virtual memory.
f) Write syntax of following commands:
               (i) Sleep
               (ii) Kill
g) Describe any four file attributes. *
h) Defione following terms
               i) Page fault
               ii) Segmentation
i) Write syntax of ps command and explain its use with the help of suitable example.

2. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12
a) Enlist types of operating system. Explain multiprogramming OS in detail. **
b) List components of OS. Explain process management in detail. *
c) With neat diagram explain inter process communication model. *

d) Describe I/o burst and CPU burst cycle with neat diagram.
e) Types and Describe different scheduling criteria. **
f) Describe essential activities done by an Operating System for protection and sharing.

3. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12
a) Explain ‘PS’ command with any four options. *
b) Explain deadlock? What are necessary conditions for deadlock? *

c) Explain partitioning and its types.
d) Describe sequential and direct access method.
c) Explain following terms with respect to Memory management :
               I. Compaction
               II. Swapping.

4. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12
a) Write unix command for following:
               (i) Create a folder OSY
               (ii) Create a file FIRST in OSY folder
               (iii) List / display all files and directories.
               (iv) Write command to clear the screen
b) What is purpose of system call? State any two system calls with their functions. *
c) State and describe types of scheduler. *

d) Explain Round Robin algorithm with suitable example.
e) List and Explain PCB with diagram. *
f) Compare between Windows and LINUX Operating System. (any four points)
g) Compare between short term and long term scheduler. (any four points)
h) Compare FCFS and SJF Scheduling algorithm with any four points
i) Differentiate between multiprogramming and multiprocessing.

5. Attempt any TWO of the following: 12
a) Enlist the operating system tools. Explain any two in detail. *
b) Explain multithreading model in detail.
c) Explain FIFO & LRU page replacement algorithm for following reference string.
               i) 7 0 1 2 0 3 0 4 2 3 0 3 2 1 2 0 1 7 0 1.
               ii) 12, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1,6,7,8,7,8,9,7,8,9,5,4,4,5,4,2. 
Calculate the page fault.
d) Write two uses of following Operating System tools :
               i. Performance Monitor
               ii. Task scheduler
               iii. User Management
e) Write the output of the following commands.
               a. Kill 9042018
               b. Ps 07121975
               c. Sleep 05

6. Attempt any TWO of the following: 12
a) The jobs are scheduled for execution as follows *

Solve the problem using:
               (i) SJF
               (ii) FCFS

Also find average waiting time using Gantt chart.
b) List free space management techniques? Describe any one in detail. *
c) Enlist different file allocation methods? Explain contiguous allocation method in detail. **

d) Compare between bitmap and linked list free space management techniques.(any six points)
e) Construct and explain directory structure of a file system in terms of single level, two level and tree structure.


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NOTE: This is Not Official MSBTE Website: We Provide Important Practice Questions for Students to Score Good Marks in Exam and this Questions is based on Important Topics of Syllabus and Repeated Ones. So, with the help of this we help student to Not get KT / or / They will Not get Fail in Exam. 

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