22319 Database Management System Important Questions for MSBTE Exam

22319 Database Management System Important Questions for MSBTE Exam

         Important Practice Question Available for Exam. This Questions are based on Repeated Topics and Frequently Ones with the Help of this you can Score Good Marks in Exam and you will Pass in Exam.
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1. Attempt any five of the following : 10
a)            List disadvantages of typical file processing system.
b)            Define
               i) data abstraction
               ii) data redundancy.
c)            Define the term : *
               i) Candidate key
               ii) Primary key
d)            List four DDL , DCL & DML commands with syntax. **
e)            Define normalization, list its types. *
f)            Enlist four aggregate functions. *
g)            Define cursor. List the two types of cursor. **

h)            Define :
               (i) Instance (ii) Schema
 i)            List any four advantages of DBMS. **
 j)            State any two E.F. Codd’s rule for RDBMS.
 k)           Write syntax for creating synonyms with example.
 l)            State any four PL/SQL datatypes *

2. Attempt any three of the following : 12
a)            Distinguish between network model / Relational and hierarchical model (any 4 points). **
b)            Explain set operators with example. *

c)            Explain any four string functions with example.
d)            Describe exception handling in brief. **
e)           Explain overall structure of DBMS with the help of diagram.
f)            Explain difference between delete and truncate command with example.
g)            Write and explain syntax for creating view with example. *

3. Attempt any three of the following : 12
a)            Describe commit and rollback with syntax and example.
b)            Explain joins in SQL with examples.
c)            Explain function in PL/SQL with example.
d)            Explain database security with it’s requirements in detail.
e)            Explain state of transaction with the help of diagram.

4. Attempt any three of the following : 12
a)            Explain the four roles of database administrator.
b)            State and explain 1NF, 2NF and 3NF with example. **
c)            Draw the block structure of PL/SQL . List advantages of PL/SQL. **
d)            Write step by step syntax to create, open and close cursor in PL/SQL. *
e)            Explain transaction ACID properties. *

 f)            State the difference between Relational and Hierarchical model.
 g)           List the SQL operations and explain range searching operation ‘between’ and pattern matching operator ‘like’ with example.
h)            State the use of database trigger and also list types of trigger. **
 i)             Explain recovery techniques with example.
 j)            Describe database backups with it’s types.
 k)           Describe create & alter command with syntax & example.

5. Attempt any two of the following : 12
a)            Draw an E-R diagram of library management system considering issue and return, fine calculation facility, also show primary key, weak entity and strong entity. ***
b)            Consider the following database Employee(emp_id, emp_name, emp_city, emp_addr, emp_dept, join_date) *
                i)            Display the emp_id, of employee who live in city ‘Pune’ or ‘Nagpur’.
                ii)           Change employee name, ‘Aayush’ to ‘Aayan’.
               iii)           Display the total number of employee whose dept is 50.
c)            Consider the following schema Depositor (ACC_no, Name, PAN, Balance) Create a view on                 Depositor having attributes (ACC_no, PAN) where balance is greater than 100000. *
d)           Consider the table **
                Student (name, marks, dept, age, place, phone, birthdate) Write SQL query for following :
                (i) To list students having place as ‘Pune’ or ‘Jalgaon’.
                (ii) To list students having same department (dept) as that of ‘Rachana’.
                (iii) To change marks of ‘Rahul’ from 81 to 96.
                (iv) To list student name and marks from ‘Computer’ dept.
                (v) To list student name who have marks less than 40.
                 (vi) To list students who are not from ‘Mumbai’.
e)            Create simple and composite index. Write command to drop above index. *

6. Attempt any two of the following : 12
a)            Create a sequence *
                i)            Sequence name is Seq _ 1, Start with 1, increment by 1, minimum value 1, maximum value 20.
               ii)            Use a seq_1 to insert the values into table Student (ID Number (10), Name char (20));
               iii)           Change the seq_ 1 max value 20 to 50.
               iv)           Drop the sequence. *

b)            Write a PL/SQL program which accept the customer ID from the user if user enters an invalid ID then the exception invalid_id is raised using exception handling.
c)            Write a PL/SQL program to calculate factorial of a given number.
d)            Write SQL command for following : **
                i)            Create user ‘Rahul’.
                ii)           Grant create, select, insert, update, delete, drop privilege to ‘Rahul’.
               iii)           Removes the select privilege from user ‘Rahul’.

e)           Consider the structure for book table as Book-Master (bookid, bookname, author, no_of copies, price) Write down SQL queries for following
                (i) Write a command to create Book_master table.
                (ii) Get authorwise list of all books.
                (iii) Display all books whose price is between ` 500 & ` 800.
                (iv) Display all books with details whose name start with ‘D’.
                (v) Display all books whose price is above ` 700.
                (vi) Display all books whose number of copies are less than 10.
 f)            Write a PL/SQL program to print n even numbers using For Loop.


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NOTE: This is Not Official MSBTE Website: We Provide Important Practice Questions for Students to Score Good Marks in Exam and this Questions is based on Important Topics of Syllabus and Repeated Ones. So, with the help of this we help student to Not get KT / or / They will Not get Fail in Exam. 

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