22616 Programming with Python Lab-Manual Answers PDF | MSBTE I Scheme CO/IT Branch

"22616 Programming with Python Lab-Manual Answers"



👇 List of Practicals 👇

  1. Install and configure Python IDE
  2. Write simple Python program to display message on screen
  3. Write simple Python program using operators:
    1. Arithmetic Operators
    2. Logical Operators
    3. Bitwise Operators
  4. Write simple Python program to demonstrate use of conditional statements:
    1. 'if' statement
    2. 'if ... else' statement
    3. Nested 'if' statement
  5. Write Python program to demonstrate use of looping statements:
    1. 'while' loop
    2. 'for' loop
    3. Nested loops
  6. Write simple Python program to perform following operations on Lists:
    1. Create list
    2. Access list
    3. Update list (Add item, Remove item)
    4. Delete list
  7. Write simple Python program to perform following operations on Tuples:
    1. Create Tuple
    2. Access Tuple
    3. Update Tuple
    4. Delete Tuple
  8. Write simple Python program to perform following operations on Tuples:
    1. Create Set
    2. Access Set
    3. Update Set
    4. Delete Set
  9. Write simple Python program to perform following operations on Dictionaries:
    1. Create Dictionary
    2. Access Dictionary elements
    3. Update Dictionary
    4. Delete set
    5. Looping through Dictionary

    1. Write simple Python program to demonstrate math built-in functions (Any 2 programs)
    2. Write simple Python program to demonstrate string built-in functions (Any 2 programs)
  10. Develop user defined Python function for given problem:
    1. Function with minimum 2 arguments
    2. Function returning values
  11. Write a Python program to demonstrate use of:
    1. Builtin module (e.g. keyword, math, number, operator)
    2. user defined module
  12. Write a Python program to demonstrate use of:
    1. built-in packages (e.g. Numpy, Pandas)
    2. user defined packages
  13. Write a Python program to demonstrate following operations:
    1. Method overloading
    2. Method overriding
  14. Write a Python program to demonstrate following operations:
    1. Simple inheritance
    2. Multiple inheritance
  15. Write a program in Python to handle user defined exception for given problem

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22616 Programming with Python Lab-Manual Answers PDF


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